Posted by CCM / 23 September 2021
The redevelopment work at the Hutt Hospital for the Maternity facilities is underway.
The Community Midwifery service, Maternity Assessment Unit, Maternity ward (birthing and postnatal) and the Special Care Baby Unit, will be redeveloped in four stages over the next two years.
The redesign will optimise birth experiences and increase the physical space available in the maternity outpatient areas, birthing and postnatal care, and special care for babies.
A variety of internal and external stakeholders were engaged with on design principles and key themes to underpin an ideal physical environment to better meet the needs of pregnant women/persons, babies and their whānau. Some of the key themes identified were; designated functional spaces, an environment that reflects a person’s journey, culturally responsive design and whānau inclusive spaces.
This work is part of a wider review and strategic planning process in relation to maternity and neonatal care that achieves equitable and optimal outcomes and experiences for pregnant people, babies and families across the Hutt Valley region.
CCM Architects Ltd. is a design lead New Zealand practice. We bring a commitment to architecture that serves the users and delivers for the client fresh ideas, creativity and simplicity out of complex issues.
Our experience ranges from large scale university campuses and hospitals through to civic parks and streetscapes. We understand the importance of urban design to enhance the connections and spaces between buildings for users and the impact this has on creating quality buildings.
We have specialist skills in project management, leading large consultant and contract teams on a variety of projects. We have developed close working relationships with allied professionals to provide our clients with the best expertise available into a cohesive working environment.
We have wide experience in all aspects of the design and delivery of fitouts that complement the ever-evolving needs of the users. We work with our clients to find the best fit within certain parameters such as look and feel, quality, programme and sustainability.
We bring the knowledge of urban context to architectural projects. Providing our clients with consultation design and facilitation skills that ensure their projects fit into the city fabric.
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